The Road to Roundwood is a voluntary group set up by local people with the goal of welcoming and helping to resettle a refugee family in our Community who are fleeing war in the Middle East.
It is set up under the ‘Community Sponsorship Programme Ireland’, itself an initiative of the Department for Justice and Equality. It is part of the United Nations response to the Humanitarian Crisis which developed in southern Europe due to mass forced displacement of people from conflict areas, particularly in the Middle East.
The Irish Red Cross are our Regional Support Organisation, and they provide guidance and training to the members of our group.
Basically this local committee is working to secure a safe haven in Roundwood for a family displaced by war. If you would like to find out more information, get involved or donate please check out the Road to Roundwood website
The first fundraising activity is a family fun coffee afternoon in Roundwood Parish Hall on Sunday 15th of March from 12 noon until 4pm. Check it out on the link below – looks like a great afternoon of entertainment as well as nice stuff to eat!