Category Archives: News & Events

Roundwood & District News 3rd February 2025



Results of the draw held on Sunday February 2
nd . There was no jackpot winner the numbers
drawn were, 14, 17, 25 & 29. There were six match three winners. Jim Carr, J.R.K.C. & Lynn, Ann
Byrne, Dan Ivars, Martin Carey and Leanne Rushe. Next week’s jackpot will be €15,700.    


The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms through the Senior Alert Scheme. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information, please call 086 8055040 or email 


Glendalough to Bray Bus Consultation: the NTA is looking for feedback from the public, which will be used to improve service levels along the Bray-Glendalough bus corridor. This service will be of huge importance for our community and everyone is urged to provide feedback – even if you don’t currently use public transport. Other members of our community will need this service, so please make sure your feedback is included! The objective is to provide more frequent services on the Glendalough – Bray Corridor which will help to improve the integration with other bus routes and rail services. The purpose is to provide the following: a 7-day week service between Glendalough and Bray, serving Laragh, Annamoe, Roundwood and Kilmacanogue. The proposed service will offer significantly enhanced service levels, providing an additional 5 buses per day between Glendalough and Bray; improved connectivity with regional and Dart rail services at Bray (Daly) Rail Station. The closing date is 07/02/2025 at 5 pm so please submit your feedback as soon as possible at: 


Results for Monday, 27th January 2025, 4.5 table Howell. 1st 
Monica Brady and Catherine
Halligan. 2nd Maura Gaskin and Margaret Byrne. 3rd Rachel Judd and Kay Plunkett. Bridge is
held in the Roundwood Community Hall every Monday, commencing at 19:30. New
players/members welcomed. Contact Seamus Kennedy 087 2452 903 


The next Bingo will take place on Sunday February 16th at 3 pm in AnnamoeCommunity Centre. All Welcome. 


Next Whist will take place on Wednesday February 5th starting at 8.00 pm in theParish Hall. Come along and enjoy a night of cards with us. 


Pilgrimage To Medjugorje: April 29th for one week. For more information, please contact Mary King on 087 2185067 


If you are experiencing bereavement, loss or grief, feeling anxious and overwhelmed or lacking in energy and motivation, you are not alone. Support from a professional can provide you space to talk with empathy, understanding and care to explore your difficulties. Holding Hope Counselling Services offers both in-person and online therapy sessions. Imelda is a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist based in Rathdrum. If you are in need of support, please contact Imelda at, phone or message on 0830514596 or visit for further information. 


Knock Pilgrimage: There will be a Pilgrimage to Knock on Divine Mercy Sunday, 27th April 2025. Leaving Memorial Park., Rathdrum at 7.30 am Sharp, and Roundwood at 8 am. €80 per person, including Breakfast, Dinner and Bus. Contact Susan at 087 627 3032. Names and payment before March 1st 


Hummingbird Haven Holistic Wellness. A range of holistic treatments available with appointments to suit your schedule. From Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Sound Healing to Breathwork. Are you looking to improve your sleep, reduce stress & anxiety, find relief from headache’s & congestion, deepen your connection & allow yourself to fully rest & recover? Based in the beautiful surrounds of Annamoe I support you in giving yourself “permission to rest”. Please get in touch for more information. Contact Sue – 0872750335 


45 Card Game: every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8 pm. Teas served. All are welcome 


Roundwood Cancer Support office is open every Monday and Friday from ten to twelve o clock for anyone who needs advice or help when dealing with Cancer.   


If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is Items for the notes must be emailed by Sunday night to be in time for paper. the     



Roundwood News 22nd of January 2025



Thanks to the generosity of everyone who supported our recent Parish Sale of Work held on 1st December, to date the money raised is €14,907. The funds raised will go towards the painting and renovation of both Parish Churches. Once again thank you for your continued support.


The Roundwood Variety Group is thrilled to announce that tickets for our much-anticipated 2025 production of Puss in Boots are now on sale! The panto takes place on Friday the 31st of January, Saturday Matinee 1st of February and Sunday the 2nd of February in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh.

Please note when selecting your seats, the system will automatically suggest one for you. If you don’t want that particular seat, you must deselect it before proceeding, or it will be added to your order. Double-check your selections before finalizing your purchase to ensure your perfect seats! For tickets check on Eventbrite


The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms through the Senior Alert Scheme. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information, please call 086 8055040 or email


Results of the draw held on 19th January. There was no jackpot winner the numbers drawn were, 1, 3, 16 & 19. There were seven match three winners. Tony Duffin, J Meagher, J Paul Dunleavy, Jean Wolohan, Damian Cleary, Frank Whelan and Lisa & Ellie. Next week’s jackpot will be €15,100.


The first Whist of the New Year will take place on January 22nd, starting at 8.00 pm in the Parish Hall. Come along and enjoy a night of cards with us.


Pilgrimage To Medjugorje: April 29th for one week. For more information, please  contact Mary King on 087 2185067


If you are experiencing bereavement, loss or grief, feeling anxious and overwhelmed or lacking in energy and motivation, you are not alone. Support from a professional can provide you space to talk with empathy, understanding and care to explore your difficulties. Holding Hope Counselling Services offers both in-person and online therapy sessions. Imelda is a qualified counsellor and psychotherapist based in Rathdrum. If you are in need of support, please contact Imelda at, phone or message on 0830514596 or visit for further information.


45 Card Game: every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8 pm. Teas served. All are welcome


Results for Monday, 13th January 2025, 4.5 table Howell.1st Bridie Nolan and Seamus   Kennedy. 2nd Monica Brady and Phil Power. 3rd Ger Lenihan and Mairead Fallon Bridge is held in the Roundwood Community Hall every Monday, commencing at 19:30.

New players/members welcomed. Contact Seamus Kennedy 087 2452 903


Wicklow Community Services – caring in the Community since 1985.  Carers needed in Roundwood!  Are you interested in being a carer? Join our team, who have been in the community for nearly 40 years. Premium rates on Saturdays and Sundays – Starting wage €15.18 going up to €16.85 – Continuous paid training – Travel expenses – Rewarding Career– Flexible hours – Career Development – Helping people make a positive difference in their lives and much more. Please contact us on 0404 69188 or email us at for further information


Roundwood Cancer Support office is open every Monday and Friday from ten to twelve o clock for anyone who needs advice or help when dealing with Cancer.


If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is Items for the notes must be emailed by Sunday night to be in time for paper.

Roundwood & District News 6th January 2025


The Roundwood Variety Group is thrilled to announce that tickets for our much-anticipated 2025 production of Puss in Boots are now on sale! 

The panto takes place on Friday the 31st of January, Saturday Matinee 1st of February and Sunday the 2nd of February in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh.

Please note when selecting your seats, the system will automatically suggest one for you. If you don’t want that particular seat, you must deselect it before proceeding, or it will be added to your order. Double-check your selections before finalizing your purchase to ensure your perfect seats! 


Next Whist Wednesday January 8th 2025 at 8pm in the Parish Hall.  


Pilgrimage To Medjugorje: April 29th for one week. For more information, please contact Mary King on 087 2185067 


45 Card Game: every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8 pm. Teas served. All are welcome 


Roundwood Men’s Shed: The Shed continues to meet every Tuesday in Knockraheenat Pat Carr’s place (A98 AH02) from 10 am to 12 noon approximately. We care and listen and share over a cuppa or two. Occasionally we break into song and we have a few fine musicians and singers in our ranks. The experts tell us that music is good for the soul and the mental health of all. We do some gentle exercises and recently we have been planting trees along the Vartry Trail. New faces will be very welcome in the Shed. For further information feel free to call or text 

086 8650588 at any time.


Bridge will on Mondays at 19:30 in the Community Hall. New members welcome. Contact Seamus Kennedy 087 2452 903 


Wicklow Community Services – caring in the Community since 1985.  Carers needed in Roundwood!  Are you interested in being a carer? Join our team, who have been in the community for nearly 40 years. Premium rates on Saturdays and Sundays – Starting wage €15.18 going up to €16.85 – Continuous paid training – Travel expenses – Rewarding Career– Flexible hours – Career Development – Helping people make a positive difference in their lives and much more. Please contact us on 0404 69188 or email us at for further information 


Roundwood Cancer Support office is open every Monday and Friday from ten to twelve o clock for anyone who needs advice or help when dealing with Cancer.   


If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is Items for the notes must be emailed by Sunday night to be in time for paper.