Category Archives: News & Events
Roundwood & District News 27th of June 2023
The Tidy Towns judges will be winging their way to Roundwood any day now. The hanging baskets will be erected on the poles in the village shortly. Thanks to Terry Kavanagh for his tireless work in making up the baskets and maintaining them throughout the summer. A big shout out to all the businesses and residents who have great floral displays on show and are touching up the paint work on their premises. The village is looking great. If you have a bit of time to do some kerbside weeding, litter picking or to put a splash of paint on that wall or fence in or around your patch it would help greatly. Every little helps! Many thanks
Preparations for this year’s festival on Sunday 6th of August are already in full swing. We are working hard to make sure we bring you another fun-filled weekend but to make this happen, we need help from our community. If you can spare some time on the 6th of August to help please message this page or email so we can add your name to our list of volunteers. Help is also required the day before the Festival and the day after. Check out the Roundwood Street Festival Facebook page to get in touch Thank you
Brendan Kennedy (piano) will play on Thursday 29thJune. The concert start at 8 pm in Calary Church and tickets are €18 and €15 for concessions. To book tickets or for more information, email or ring (01) 2818118.
Results of whist held on June 21st. Top Score: Jimmy Molloy, First Gent: Margaret Kennedy, Second Gent: Tiny Shortt, First Lady: Ann Wolohan, Second Lady: Marie Magee, First Half: Mary Pierce, Second Half: Ann Pierce, Longest Sitting: Kay Plunkett, Lowest Score: May Kenna. Raffle won by Margaret Kennedy, Tiny Shortt, Richie Cullen and Ann Wolohan. Next whist will be held on Wednesday July 5th at 8pm in the Parish Hall.
The day trip to Belfast on Monday 14th August is full to capacity.
Next Roundwood Active Retirement Lunch. Roundwood Inn Friday 8th September 2023 1pm (food served at 1:15pm sharp) Please let Mary Flanagan know if you wish to attend by calling 087 6595381
Active Retirement Annual Trip. Staying at the Clonakilty Park Hotel (this is the same hotel as last year, very popular and good value) 2nd of October to the 6th October 2023. 4 nights and 5 days. Tours of Kerry, including Killarney, Kenmare, Dingle etc. Cost €425 euro per person sharing. Cost €485 euro for single room (there are limited single spaces available) Total cost includes bus to and from Roundwood, daily tours around County Kerry, Bed, Breakfast and evening dinner with music every night in the bar. All enquiries to Mary Flanagan at 0876595381
Senior’s Bingo starts at 3pm Annamoe Community Centre on Sunday July 23rd. All family and friends are most welcome.
The next guided meditation will take place on Thursday the 29th of June
at 7:30pm in the Annamoe Community Centre. Enjoy an evening of relaxation and
bring the mind and body back in balance. Places are limited. Contact Sue to
book 0872750335.
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday 29th June from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
Pilgrimage Medjugorje October 4th 2023 for a week. Accompanied by Spiritual Director. Cost of both dates is € 799.00. Insurance is optional. For more information and booking: Contact Group Leader – Mary King on 087 2185067
Roundwood & District News 13th of June 2023

Preparations for this year’s festival on Sunday 6th of August are already in full swing. We are working hard to make sure we bring you another fun filled weekend but to make this happen, we need help from our community. If you can spare some time on the 6th of August to help please message this page or email so we can add your name to our list of volunteers. Thank you
The Bottle Banks currently positioned at the Coach House car park are on the move. We would welcome any suggestions for alternative locations from residents and lanwoners in the area. In the short term the bottle banks will be moved to the Roundwood Cemetry car park until another suitable location is identified. Please email if you can assist in any way.
The Tidy Towns judges will be winging their way to Roundwood any day now. The hanging baskets will be erected on the poles in the village shortly. Thanks to Terry Kavanagh for his tireless work in making up the baskets and maintaining them throughout the summer. A big shout out to all the businesses and residents who have great floral displays on show and are touching up the paint work on their premises. The village is looking great. If you have a bit of time to do some kerbside weeding, litter picking or to put a splash of paint on that wall or fence in or around your patch it would help greatly. Every little helps! Many thanks
Results of the lotto draw held on Sunday 11th June. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 5, 8, 11 and 16. There were eight match three winners, Pat Doyle, Lisa Duffy, Sharon & Joe, Veronica Doyle, Sean Byrne, Cara Doyle, Donnacha Fanning and Maura Windsor. Next week’s jackpot will be €11,800.
Roundwood Cemetery blessing of the graves will take place on Friday 16th June at 7.30 pm
Roundwood and District Athletic Club is asking you to please support its ‘Tour de Roundwood’ fundraising cycle which takes place on Saturday June 24. Monies raised will help complete the club’s long-awaited new track and club building. So far Anita McKenna, Brian Higgins and Sheila Donelon will be embarking on the ‘Tour de Roundwood’ cycle challenge to raise these much-needed funds. Please support our summer fundraiser – it would make a huge difference to the local children to have their own local track to train on, as well as their own club building. For details – or to register to be one of cyclist fundraisers – please visit Your support is greatly appreciated.
Student placement available for SNA’s & Childcare. For special needs kids. Fun summer projects. Kildare/Dublin/Wicklow. Send CV to
There will be no Bingo in June. Roundwood ARA day trip to Belfast Monday 14th August cost €90 per head this includes Entrance fee to Titanic Museum, Guided Tour of Belfast, stop off for tea and scones on the way and 2 course dinner on the way back. All enquiries to Mary at 087 6595381
Results of the Whist held on June 7th. Top Score: May Kenna, First Gent: Margaret Kennedy, Second Gent: Richie Cullen, First Lady: Patricia Byrne, Second Lady: Mary Pierce, First Half: Tiny Shortt, Second Half: Ann Pierce, Lowest Score: Ann Wolohan, Longest Sitting: Kay Plunkett. Raffle won by Marie Magee, Ann Wolohan and Tiny Shortt. Next whist will be held on Wednesday June 21st 8pm in the Parish Hall.
Help us with our Roundwood & District Community Biodiversity Action Plan by submitting your sightings of birds, insects, mammals, flowers and all the wildlife you see in the area on the National Biodiversity Database . There’s lots of help with identification online, so get spotting and recording! The National Biodiversity Data Centre works to make biodiversity data and information more freely available in order to better understand and assist the protection of Ireland’s biodiversity. By recording your sighting you are adding to this important scientific knowledge through citizen science. There is also a county league. Wicklow is currently 6th so let’s see can we help move Wicklow up that table!
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday 15th June from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
Pilgrimage Medjugorje October 4th 2023 for a week. Accompanied by Spiritual Director. Cost of both dates is € 799.00. Insurance is optional. For more information and booking: Contact Group Leader – Mary King on 087 2185067
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is Items for the notes must be emailed by Sunday night to be in time for the paper.