Roundwood Historical Society. Roundwood Parish Hall, Tuesday 25th March at 8.00 pm. Dr Paulo Virtuani “The Knights Hospitaller and Medieval Wicklow: War, Murder and the odd Crusade”
The religious-military order of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem (also known as “Knights Hospitaller”), an offspring of the Crusades, are perhaps less known thantheir more famous counterpart, the Knights Templar.
Yet they were arguably just as successful, and for a longer timespan: indeed, they survive today in their modern guise, as the Order of Malta. In this talk Paulo Virtuaniwill describe the Knights presence in medieval Ireland and how it was linked to the establishment of the Lordship of Ireland, after the Anglo-Norman invasion, and the need to set up a network of properties, aimed at raising revenue to fund their brethren’s military effort in the Holy Land.
This talk will also explore the brief and tense interactions between this crusadingOrder and the Irish of Wicklow, in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The area ofWicklow was outside the Pale, and became a zone of unrest and turmoil throughoutthe Middle Ages (and well beyond), making it difficult for the Knights to create apresence there.
Dr Paolo Virtuani, now resident in Roundwood, is from Milan, where he obtained hisBA in Medieval History. After coming to Ireland (2007), he completed his PhD inMedieval History in UCD (2014), with a thesis on The Knights of St John of Jerusalem in Medieval Ireland (c.1169 – 1378)
Existing and New Members are Welcome.
Results of the draw held on March 9th. There was no jackpot winner the numbers drawn were, 24, 25, 26 & 29. There were no match three winners. Next week’s jackpot will be €17,200.
Roundwood Men’s Shed: The Shed continues to meet every Tuesday between 10 and 12 at Pat Carr’s place in Knockraheen. You are sure of a welcome if you want to drop in. On Tuesday, the 18th of March we will have visiting experts to answer any questions related to the use of mobile devices. So make a note of that in your diary. You may know someone who could do with some help. The question-and-answersession is due to start at 11 am.
The next Rambling House/Storynight in the Annamoe Centre will be on Friday March 14th at 8pm. All are welcome.
The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms through the Senior Alert Scheme. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information, please call 086 8055040 or email
Results for Monday, 3rd March 2025, 5.5 table Howell. 1st Teresa Leahy and Marion Davis. 2nd Pamela Byrne and Clare Salley. 3rd Gertie Fee and Brid Clancy.
Bridge is held in the Roundwood Community Hall every Monday, commencing at 19:30. New players/members welcomed. Contact Seamus Kennedy 087 2452 903
Results of whist held on March 5th. Top Score: May Kenna. First Gent: Shay Brady. Second Gent: Mick Whelan. First Lady: Mary Pierce. Second Lady: Maura McHugh. First Half: Jimmy Molloy. Second Half: Marie Magee. Longest Sitting: Margaret Kennedy. Lowest Score: Catherine Doyle. Raffle: Catherine Doyle, Margaret Kennedy, Marie Magee and Maura McHugh.
Next Whist will take place on Wednesday March 19th starting at 8.00 pm in the Parish Hall. Come along and enjoy a night of cards with us.
There will be a Pilgrimage to Fatima from the 11th – 15th June 2025.Cost €749.00 pp Sharing / €200.00 extra Single room. Names + €200.00 Deposit before 28th February 2025.Contact Susan at 087-6273032
45 Card Game: every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8 pm. Teas served. All are welcome
Roundwood Cancer Support office is open every Monday and Friday from ten to twelve o clock for anyone who needs advice or help when dealing with Cancer.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is Items for the notes must be emailed by Sunday night to be in time for paper. the