Roundwood National School is celebrating 100 years this year and are collecting photos over the 100 years. If you have 6th class group photos, junior infants group photos, group photos of confirmations, communions, group outings and special events or any other items of interest in relation to the schools. Memorabilia from the old schools would also bemost welcome including old books, copies, reports and anything else of interest. Any items will be copied and immediately returned. Please contact paulineheatly@gmail.com regarding items or for further informaton
The results of the draw held on Sunday 16th April. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 8, 17, 19 & 20. There were four match three winners, Laoise Cullen, Justine, Caileen, Ray Condell, John Doyle, and Chris & Vin . Next week’s jackpot will be €10,900.
Next talk- Tuesday 25th April 8pm.Venue: Kavanagh’s Pub Roundwood. Social and Economic Importance of Kynoch’s Arklow Ammunition Factory. Talk by Jim Rees Author, teacher, Storyteller and Podcaster. He helped establish the Arklow Historical Society in 1981. All welcome, €5 for non-members, €3 for members.
Roundwood Tidy Towns have registered for the National Spring Clean again this year. If you wish to do a litter pick in your area send an email to info@roundwood.ie or call 086 8055040 so we can get bags, gloves, etc. to you.
Help us with our Roundwood & District Community Biodiversity Action Plan by submitting your sightings of birds, insects, mammals, flowers and all the wildlife you see in the area on the National Biodiversity Database https://records.biodiversityireland.ie/ . There’s lots of help with identification online, so get spotting and recording! The National Biodiversity Data Centre works to make biodiversity data and information more freely available in order to better understand and assist the protection of Ireland’s biodiversity. By recording your sighting you are adding to this important scientific knowledge through citizen science. There is also a county league. Wicklow is currently 6th so let’s see can we help move Wicklow up that table!
Roundwood Cancer Support website can be found at www.roundwoodcancersupport.ie Here you will find out about all our services and up to date information about us. Also, our drop in centre is open Monday and Friday from 10am until 12 noon.
Bingo Sunday April 23rd at 3pm in Annamoe
There will be a day trip to Johnstown castle Wexford on Saturday 27th May 2023. Leaving Roundwood at 8.30 am via Ashford. Price includes tea scones on arrival. Tickets to castle garden museum bus and car show and dinner on the way home. Price €90 names ASAP. To book contact Susan on 0876273032
Results of whist held on April 12th Top Score: Catherine Doyle. First Gent: Marie Magee. Second Gent: Mick Whelan (shared) First Lady: Monica Brady. Second Lady: Patrica Byrne. First Half: Richie Cullen. Second Half: Ann Pierce. Longest Sitting: Shay Brady. Lowest Score: Ann Wolohan. Raffle Prizes: Tiny Shortt, Mick Whelan and Catherine Doyle Next whist will be held on Wednesday April 26th at 8pm in the Parish Hall.
Pilgrimage Medjugorje: April 22nd 2023, for a week, and October 4th 2023 for a week. Accompanied by Spiritual Director. Cost of both dates is € 799.00. Insurance is optional. For more information and booking: Contact Group Leader – Mary King on 087 2185067
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com