The Roundwood and District Historical, Folklore and Archaeological Society’s next talk will be on Tuesday 28th March in the Parish Hall at 8pm. Yvonne Whitty, Community Archaeologist for Wicklow County Council, will discuss the story of the Moneycarroll burials at Newtownmountkennedy, who were laid to rest over 1500 years ago. All welcome.
Results of the draw held on March 19th. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 3, 19, 25 & 30 . There were two match three winners, Stephen Cunningham and Maisie McCormack Next week’s jackpot will be €28,600.
Roundwood Cancer Support website can be found at www.roundwoodcancersupport.ie Here you will find out about all our services and up to date information about us. Also, our drop in centre is open Monday and Friday from 10 until 12 in the morning.
Results from 13th March. North / South. First: Seamus Kennedy and Declan O’Brien. Second: Marie Kavanagh and Monica Brady. East / West. First: Rory Egan and Maria Magee. Second: Kay Plunkett and John Loscher. Well done to all.
Divine Mercy Sunday. There will be a pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 16th April 2023. Leaving Rathdrum Square at 7.30am, via Moneystown, Roundwood Church at 8am. The cost is €80 pp including breakfast, dinner and bus all money to be paid by 10th April. To Book Contact Susan O’Neill at 087 627 3032.
Results of the whist held on March 15th. Top Score: Monica Brady, First Gent: Evelyn O’Neill, Second Gent: Kay Plunkett, First Lady: Catherine Doyle, Second Lady: Nan Wolohan, First Half: Jimmy Molloy, Second Half: Richie Cullen, Longest Sitting: Tiney Shortt, Lowest Score: Mary Pierce. Raffle Prizes: Marie Magee, Ann Pierce, Catherine Doyle and Mary Pierce, Next whist will be held on Wednesday March 29th at 8pm in the Parish Hall.
Active Retirement Easter Lunch Friday 31st of March. Call Mary on 087 6595381 if interested, as there are limited places.
Pilgrimage Medjugorje: April 22nd 2023, for a week, and October 4th 2023 for a week. Accompanied by Spiritual Director. Cost of both dates € 799.00. Insurance is optional. For more information and booking: Contact Group Leader – Mary King on 087 2185067
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com