The Halligan Family invite you to the 45 Card Game Birthday Remembrance for Paddy, in aid of Roundwood Cancer Support. Sunday 23rd October 2022 in Roundwood Parish Hall. Starting at 7pm Sharp. Raffle, Tea and Cakes. €20 per person.
Roundwood Golf Society Table Quiz in aid of Roundwood Cancer Support in Kavanagh’s Vartry House on Friday 28th October 2022 at 8.00 pm. Your support will be appreciated. Items required for Spot Prizes/Raffle Prizes. All donations will be gratefully accepted
The Sale of Work will take place on Sunday 4th December from 12 noon to 4 pm.
Roundwood Cancer support will be shortly unveiling our new website with updated information regarding our services. Cancer support drop-in centre new times are Monday and Friday 10am until 12noon.
The Roundwood Whizzers walking group continue to walk every Wednesday evening meeting at 7pm at the Roundwood Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to join in to walk at your own pace for approximately one hour. For further information please email info@roundwood.ie All welcome
Roundwood Men’s Shed: Under the umbrella of Age Action Ireland and funded by Sport Ireland we are being encouraged to become involved in Walking Football. The programme involves 5 one-hour sessions delivered over 5 weeks. The only requirement is to be 50 plus. A Walking Football Coach is ready and willing to visit us to explain what is involved and to answer all our questions. Membership of the Shed is not a requirement. Please call or message 086 8650588 if you are interested or know someone who may be interested or drop into the Shed on a Tuesday morning between 10 and 12. Visitors are always welcome. Our Gentle Exercises continue on Tuesdays between 10 and 10.45 and all are welcome to come along.
In Moneystown Community Centre, continuing every Monday at 8.30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Beginners very welcome.
We are open for adults Monday and Wednesday at 7.30pm in Aras An Tochar GAA Complex. We are open for Juvenile Secondary School students from 7.30pm until 9pm. Coaching to follow later in the season.
A new Ukulele Choir for adult beginners will start on Tuesday mornings from 10am-11am, in the Parish Hall. Come learn a new instrument, sing for fun and socialise! Contact Linda on 087 9729956 for more information.
Results of Whist held on Wednesday October 5th. Top Score Shay Brady, 1st Gent Martin Byrne, 2nd Gent Michael Whelan, 1st Lady Marie Magee, 2nd Lady Catherine Doyle, First Half May Kenna, Second Half Anne Wolohan, Lowest Score Kay Plunkett, Longest Sitting Mollie Byrne. Raffle prizes won by Mollie Byrne and Catherine Doyle. Next Whist Wednesday October 19th at 8pm in the parish hall. All welcome to come and enjoy a night of cards with us.
We are back at the parish hall on Monday nights 7.30-9.30pm for table tennis all levels catered for. A fun way to keep fit. €5 per night. Contact Brian Higgins 085 1185635
The next active retirement bingo will be held in Annamoe Centre on Sunday 16th October at 3pm. All welcome.
Monthly Shamanic Drumming Circle, Thursday 6th Oct at the Turquoise Cafe (above Emerald Farm) 7-9.30pm. Cost 7e. All welcome. Let me know if you’re coming. All open to beginners or those with experience. If you plan to come or if you have any questions contact Fiona on 087 2989801 or safehaventranspersonal@gmail.com
Roundwood set dancing has resumed on Thursday nights in the parish hall starting at 9pm. We look forward to welcoming back our usual dancers and also any new comers if they would like to join us, are always welcome. Admission €5.
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in
Roundwood Village on Thursday 20th October from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm
until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a
fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
Hummingbird Haven Crystal Therapy. 1:1 appointments in the Annamoe Community Centre for Reiki and Crystal Healing therapy. An alternative & holistic approach to healing the mind, body & soul with Crystal infused Reiki. Combining both the crystals and Reiki together we work on balancing the main energy centers of the body known as the chakra‘s. This is a beautiful noninvasive treatment that has a bucket full of benefits to the body, mind and soul. For more information Contact Sue – 0872750335 hummingbirdhaven01@yahoo.com
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com