April is usually the National Spring Clean month, even though we know well that volunteers are busy picking up litter all year round. So for the last few days of April let’s all make a big effort to pick up any litter we see when we are out and about. It’s a good time to see the litter in the ditches while the vegetation is still a bit low. A small number of litter pickers and bags are available for regular litter picking in your area ~ email info@roundwood.ie for details. If there is illegal dumping in your area please report it to the PURE Project by lo-call 1800 365 123.
Results of the draw held on Sunday 24th April. There was no jackpot winner. The numbers drawn were 5, 13, 23 & 29. There were two match three winners. Sarah Kavanagh and Emily Horne. Next week’s jackpot will be €15,700.
Are you interested in hosting a refugee for a few weeks or a few months? Or is there any other way you feel you could help a refugee when they arrive? We are trying to develop a local network in the Roundwood district. A welcoming face is always appreciated. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Anne Byrne (087) 292 5259, Claire 087 272 1110 or Siobhán 087 980 6943. A Whatsapp group is being set up if you would like to be included.
Joint Top Score: Mollie Byrne & Martin Byrne. First Lady: May Kenna. Second Lady: Maura McHugh. Second Gent: Kay Plunkett. First Half: Monica Brady. Second Half: Catherine Doyle. Longest Sitting: Ann Pierce. Lowest Score: Patrica Byrne. Raffle Prizes won by Patrica Byrne, Maura McHugh, Marie Magee, Kay Plunkett & Richie Cullen. Next whist will be held on Wednesday May 4th with a new starting time of 8pm.
Roundwood set dancing has resumed on Thursday nights in the parish hall starting at 9pm. We look forward to welcoming back our usual dancers and also any new comers if they would like to join us, are always welcome. Admission €5.
Following on the recent spate of robberies in the area it’s a good time to remind people of the presence of the Roundwood & District Text Alert Service. This service is in operation since 2014 and has proven to be of great benefit. The Gardaí send out short text alerts regarding issues of importance to the community such as suspicious activities, break-ins, events likely to impact on the community, etc.
A contribution of €10.00 is requested on joining the scheme. This covers the cost of the texts and running the scheme. It is very easy to join. Pick up a form in Roundwood Parish Hall or download it here http://www.roundwood.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/TA-Sign-Up-Form.pdf. Fill in your details and pop it into the Roundwood Lotto Box above the ATM machine in Centra Roundwood. If you have changed your phone number since you signed up to the text alert service please email your name and new telephone number to info@roundwood.ie so that your details can be updated. Any queries please email info@roundwood.ie
45 Card Game every Tuesday night in Moneystown Community Centre starting at 8pm. Teas served. All are welcome.
Indoor Bowls has resumed in Annamoe Centre on Tuesday nights at 8pm. New members welcome.
May 11th for one week. Accompanied by Spiritual Directors Fr Pat Madden and Deacon Pat O’Connell. Cost €729.00 which includes Insurance Aer Lingus flight; Half board accommodation beside Church; transfers to and from Medjugorje., For more information and bookings contact Group Leader Mary King on 087 2185067
Wicklow County Council Mobile Library will be in Roundwood Village on Thursday 5th May from 10am until 11.15am and also from 2.10pm until 4.30pm. Come along and join the library. It’s a free service and is a fantastic way to pick up any book that suits your reading interests.
centre is now open. Hospital transport is being provided as per usual. Counselling
for cancer sufferers and their family is available. Reflexology, massage and
other therapies are available also. If you would like any further information
regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 086 1534011
or call into the office for a chat.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com