We will be re-opening the centre on Monday the 14th of June from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hospital transport is being provided as per usual. Counselling for cancer sufferers and their family is available. Reflexology, massage and other therapies are available also. If you would like any further information regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us on 086 1534011 or call into the office for a chat.
Parish of St. Laurence O’Toole – Roundwood and Moneystown: In accordance with Government guidelines we will be Celebrating Mass from Monday next, 10th May.
Masses – Weekday: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays – 10 am in Roundwood Church Weekend: Saturday Vigil 6 pm in Roundwood Church, Sunday 10 am in Moneystown Church, Sunday 11.30 am in Roundwood Church.
Under current guidelines the maximum allowed in the Church is 50, Hand and Respiratory Hygiene guidelines must be adhered to. Face coverings must be worn and Social Distancing remains in place.
Children’s Tennis Coaching at Annamoe Centre Saturday Mornings book at JSTA.IE
The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information, please call 086 8055040.
The lotto will return after the Covid restrictions are fully lifted. The good news is there is a jackpot of €21,100 just waiting to be won!
The tennis court is open now as the good weather is on the way! If anybody has any queries or wants to make a booking please get in touch with Christine on (086) 805 7431.
ALONE, the organisation that supports older people is operating a national support line and additional support for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Ireland. Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person you know. Further information can be found on www.alone.ie.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com