Our outings to Druids Glen and Blainroe have been cancelled due to government restrictions. We have rescheduled Druids for Sunday August 22nd and at present we’re trying to organise Blainroe for a date in October. Here is a list of the other outings we have booked. June 19th Wicklow G.C Captains prize. July 18th Woodenbridge G.C Presidents prize. August 22nd Druids Glen Francis Lawless Memorial. September 18th Coolattin G.C. October Blainroe date not confirmed yet. Your captain Tony.
Children’s Tennis Coaching at Annamoe Centre Saturday Mornings book at JSTA.IE
The Roundwood and District Historical and Folklore Society would like to invite you to our next talk on the 26th April.
The evolution of the music of folk – Jim O’Neill
Jim O’Neill is planning an interesting evening of diversion exploring this topic and especially the Wicklow influences on music. He has been a Musician and Broadcaster for most of his professional life and started piano studies at the age of five. Jim went on to study for a music degree whilst branching out to other fields in music. In 1978 he embarked on a broadcasting career which has spanned over four decades in Ireland, the UK and South Africa. Currently living in Roundwood, his passion for music and radio remains ardent. He feels the best years are still to come!
The talk will be given via Zoom, please register your interest to the society’s email: roundwoodhistorial@gmail.com
Just a gentle reminder for those of you who have not paid your annual subscription, this can be now paid via our website, or by cheque or cash to our Treasurer John Pearson, many thanks for your ongoing support.
The society would welcome your ideas for future talks, tell us what you would like to know about and we will do the homework.
We are now making plans for our 2021 journal, if anyone has a story to tell we would love to hear from you.
The Roundwood and District Community Council are registered to administer the senior alert scheme which provides grants to elderly people towards the provision of personal alarms. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or neighbour in the event of an emergency. It provides security and peace of mind. If you would like more information, please call 086 8055040.
Roundwood Parish Church Opening Times – while in Government restrictions, the Church will be open for private prayer from 9 am to 12 noon Monday – Thursday inclusive. Please observe all Government guidelines relating to hand and respiratory hygiene and please wear a face-covering.
The lotto will return after the Covid restrictions are fully lifted. The good news is there is a jackpot of €21,100 just waiting to be won!
ALONE, the organisation that supports older people is operating a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Ireland. Contact ALONE on 0818 222 024 if you have concerns about your own wellbeing, or the wellbeing of an older person you know. Further information can be found on www.alone.ie.
The centre is currently closed but we are continuing to provide transport to and from hospital appointments for those suffering from cancer. If you require our services please contact us on 086 1534011. Or check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/roundwoodcancersupport
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com