Newtown 2050 is looking at the feasibility of joining up the beach at Kilcoole with Glendalough over a Greenway – a cycle and walking trail. The final route of the proposed greenway is not confirmed at this stage. In addition to the greenway, this Project is exploring the creation of The Nine Village Federation to promote sustainable economic benefits for all in the project area, including Roundwood, Annamoe and Laragh. In time they imagine this Federation of Villages adopting the Greenway as their own and with that identity, promoting the area as an area of outstanding beauty, ‘green’ and special where sustainable living practices can be established. The group are really keen to get the word out about this project and encourage engagement with their survey from people in the Roundwood and Annamoe area.
There are 2 versions of the survey available; Survey 1 is for the general public https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MountainsToSeaGreenway.
Survey 2 is the business community survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/M2S-Greenway-Businesswhich is looking to gauge how businesses might benefit from the proposed development of the Mountains to the Sea Greenway. The business sectors include local B&B/self-catering, farming, hotel/accommodation, restaurants/cafes/pubs, visitor/activity providers, retail, caravan/camping and arts/culture, etc.
For more information on the project click one of the survey links.
Wicklow Uplands Council welcome the announcement from the owner of the Luggala estate that access to the popular recreational routes that cross the edge of the mountainous landscape, have reopened to “responsible walkers”.
Calling All Landlords: Road to Roundwood are looking to rent a house in the vicinity of the village for a two year lease. Project backed by local people in the community. Rent guaranteed by the Department of Social Protection. Trades people in the group who have the ability to complete any cosmetic upgrades required (under the direction of the landlord) at zero labour cost. Be part of an amazing project to help a family fleeing conflict to avoid Direct Provision and be welcomed in our community. Contact Tomas on 087 9833896.
As there are no Masses during the current Covid restrictions, therefore there is no leaflet with intentions/notices, etc. Hopefully things will return to normal by the end of next month. When they do, you can receive the weekly Roundwood & Moneystown Parish notes with mass times and intentions by request by sending an email to roundwoodparish@gmail.com
Roundwood Cancer Centre is closed for the time being due to the recent Covid restrictions. Hospital pick ups and drop off will still continue. For further information please phone 087 6062072 or check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/roundwoodcancersupport
Stay safe everyone.
While church services are now online, Calary Church will be open each Sunday between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm for private prayers and reflection. All are welcome.
Roundwood market is open every Sunday from 12 noon until 4pm. Home Baking. Jams. Honey etc. Contact: Jacinta 086 0722851.
Co. Wicklow PPN will be hosting ‘Meet your Local Elected Representatives’ events online (via Zoom call) for each Municipal District from 7.30pm to 9.30pm as follows: 22nd October – Greystones Municipal District, 29th October – Wicklow Municipal District. Elected Representatives from each of the Municipal Districts in Co Wicklow will be asked to talk about: the highlights of their first year in office, their priorities for the Municipal District going forward. These events are free to attend however booking is essential. Book your ticket now for your Local Municipal District event by clicking on the link below: https://meet-your-local-elected-reps-wicklow.eventbrite.ie
Co Wicklow PPN member groups will also have an opportunity to ask their own questions, which are submitted prior to the event. Please share the eventbrite booking link and the poster for these events with the wider community. These events will be hosted via Zoom. Links will be sent in advance to all participants. Further information: Please contact countywicklowppn@gmail.com
An Garda Síochána introduced a high visibility, nationwide policing plan in support of public health guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which focuses on support for the vulnerable in our communities and crime prevention. https://www.garda.ie/!C71AA9 #heretohelp, Deputy Commissioner, Policing and Security, John Twomey said, “Since the start of the pandemic, Garda members throughout the country have been helping the vulnerable and those who feel isolated. This involved simple, but important tasks such as collecting their prescription, delivering their pension, or even socially distanced contact. If people need such assistance or know someone who does, please contact your local Garda station. We are here to help.” Roundwood Garda station 01 2818142
The Wicklow County Council’s COVID-19 Community Call Helpline is still operational between 9am – 5pm every day, 7 days a week. Our team of dedicated staff are here to help the elderly and vulnerable people who need urgent assistance at this time. FREE Phone: 1800 868 399TEXT: 087 245 687. Email: CovidSupport@wicklowcoco.ie
The lotto has been suspended for the moment.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com