Wicklow Uplands Council welcome the announcement from the owner of the Luggala estate that access to the popular recreational routes that cross the edge of the mountainous landscape, have reopened to “responsible walkers” for the first time since March.
Calling All Landlords: Road to Roundwood are looking to rent a house in the vicinity of the village for a two year lease. Project backed by local people in the community. Rent guaranteed by the Department of Social Protection. Trades people in the group who have the ability to complete any cosmetic upgrades required (under the direction of the landlord) at zero labour cost. Be part of an amazing project to help a family fleeing conflict to avoid Direct Provision and be welcomed in our community. Contact Tomas on 087 9833896.
As there are no Masses during Level 3 restrictions, there is no leaflet with intentions/notices etc. Hopefully things will return to normal in a couple of weeks.
Roundwood Cancer Centre is now open again on Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm. Do call in or phone should you require our help. Phone 087 6062072.
While church services are now online, Calary Church will be open each Sunday between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm for private prayers and reflection. All are welcome.
The Francis Lawless memorial outing to Druids Glen on the 17th October is going ahead. Tee times 11.50 to 14.00. Our sponsor is Mossie Kenna. Restrictions are still in place. Dressing rooms closed, one person per buggy unless family members, other restrictions attached to score cards on the day. Score cards to be placed in the box provided after the 18th hole. The committee has decided on vouchers as prizes for our outings this year. We feel it appropriate under the present circumstances. Prize winners for the last 3 outings will be presented with their prizes at Druids Glen. Presentation for the Druids Glen will not be presented on the day, as score cards will not be checked until during the week.
Roundwood market is open every Sunday from 12 noon until 4pm. Home Baking. Jams. Honey etc. Contact: Jacinta 086 0722851.
Co. Wicklow PPN will be hosting ‘Meet your Local Elected Representatives’ events online (via Zoom call) for each Municipal District from 7.30pm to 9.30pm as follows: 15th October – Bray Municipal District, 22nd October – Greystones Municipal District, 29th October – Wicklow Municipal District. Elected Representatives from each of the Municipal Districts in Co Wicklow will be asked to talk about: the highlights of their first year in office, their priorities for the Municipal District going forward. These events are free to attend however booking is essential. Book your ticket now for your Local Municipal District event by clicking on the link below: https://meet-your-local-elected-reps-wicklow.eventbrite.ie
Co Wicklow PPN member groups will also have an opportunity to ask their own questions, which are submitted prior to the event. Please share the eventbrite booking link and the poster for these events with the wider community. These events will be hosted via Zoom. Links will be sent in advance to all participants. Further information: Please contact countywicklowppn@gmail.com
The Wicklow County Council’s COVID-19 Community Call Helpline is still operational between 9am – 5pm every day, 7 days a week. Our team of dedicated staff are here to help the elderly and vulnerable people who need urgent assistance at this time. FREE Phone: 1800 868 399TEXT: 087 245 687. Email: CovidSupport@wicklowcoco.ie
The lotto has been suspended for the moment.
If you have an item or news that you would like to include in the Roundwood Notes contact Margaret Bolger the email address is mgtbolger@gmail.com