The Roundwood Festival Hillwalk this year takes in the beautiful Luggala Mountain and the Sally Gap – one not to be missed!
The Roundwood Festival returns this August Bank Holiday weekend starting on Wednesday 31st of July, The firm favourites are back with live music & dancing in the streets, vintage vehicle parade, canoe fun on the Vartry Reservoir, novelty races, teddy bear picnic, hill and historical walks and craft displays. Keep an eye out for posters around the area or check out www.roundwood.ie or roundwood.ie on Facebook
The Roundwood Active Retirement will travel to The Mount Errigal in Letterkenny for their annual holiday from the 16th to the 20th September. The cost is €310 per person sharing or €360 for single supplement. This cost covers your transport, accommodation, meals & tours for the week. Please give your names to Betty before or on the day of the lunch in The Coach House to secure your place.
On Thursday 25 July at 8 pm in Calary Church (Eircode A98 H766), Lynda O’Connor (violin) and Ailbhe McDonagh (cello) will perform Jean Baptiste Breval’s violin cello duo no 3 in D major, Zoltan Kodaly’s Duo for Violin and Cello op.7, Maurice Ravel’s Sonata for Violin and Cello, Halvorsen’s Pasacaglia and the world premiere of a composition by Ailbhe McDonagh Tickets are €18 and €15 for concessions and, for further information or to book tickets, please ring John at (01) 2818146 or email derekneilson@eircom.net.
The Tidy Towns judges will be paying their annual visit shortly. If you have a bit of time to do some kerbside weeding, litter picking or to put a splash of paint on that wall or fence it would help greatly. Many thanks
The next Roundwood Car Boot sale is this Sunday 28th July and the fourth Sunday of the month thereafter. Set up of stalls from 9a.m. Cars €10, Jeep/Van €15.
There was no winner of last week’s lotto. The numbers drawn were 6, 7, 15 & 18. There were five match three winners: Lucy Molloy, Pat Byrne, S McNally, Leanne & Paddy and Ben Murphy. Next week’s jackpot will be €11,800.
The SHED meets every Tuesday from 10 to 12 a.m. over at Pat Carr’s place in Knockraheen – just up the road from Special Ops. You will be assured of a very warm welcome if you drop in for a cuppa and a chat. 086 8650588 for further information.
Roundwood Market continues with the usual great local produce. Now open every Sunday from 12 noon until 4pm. New members welcome. Contact Jacinta 0860722851
Our weekly set dancing sessions continue in Kavanagh’s Lounge All are always welcome – whether you have ever or never danced before…. Session starts at 8.30 til 10.30 and cost is still only €5 for a good night of exercise.
A pilgrimage to Our Lady’s island will take place eon the Sunday 18th August leaving Roundwood Parish Hall at 10a.m via Ashford. Tea, scone and evening meal and bus will cost €65. All monies to be paid by the 1st August to Susan at 087 6273032 . The Westport Country six day break takes place from 20th to 25th October with Robert Mizzell, Stuart Moyles, Declan Nerny among others performing. Dinner, Bed and Breakfast in Westport Woods and daily coach tours with on day at your leisure. Cost €425 with a deposit of €200 to be paid before the end of July to 087 6273032
The Roundwood Whizzers Walking Group will meet on Wednesday 24th of July at 6:50pm in the Coach House car park or at 7pm at the Upper Vartry Reservoir Dam Gates on the Newtown Road. Everyone welcome to walk at your own pace for approximately one hour. The group are then taking a well deserved rest until September. Happy walking folks!
The Roundwood Cancer Support centre is now up and running and is open in the Parish Centre on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10a.m until 1pm. Please feel free to pop in for a chat we will be happy to help. If anyone needs to make any enquiries outside these hours please telephone our confidential phone number 087 6062072