Monthly Archives: May 2016

Roundwood Notes ~ 3rd of May 2016


Thanks to everyone from Roundwood & Moneystown who got involved in the Spring Clean. There are still a few areas planning clean ups this week – brilliant response from the community – well done all


Would you like your 5th/6th class child or secondary school student to take part in a programme which informs young people on alcohol harms & to provide them with skills to make informed decisions around same? Two separate programmes for these age groups will run in the Roundwood starting in early May. The sessions will be facilitated by a fully qualified professional youth worker with many years’ experience working with young people. The participants will be certified for completion of the programme which would run for a six week period for roughly one hour per week. The focus of the programme is to highlight the dangers of alcohol misuse. However the workshops will be fun & based on themes that can be applied to all the challenges a young person may encounter. The themes include right and wrong, alcohol, healthy choices, assertiveness building, peer pressure and self-esteem, mental and physical health. There is no charge for this programme and will be held locally. If you are interested please email your child’s name and class group – 5th/6th class or Secondary to or call 086 8055040. For more information on the programme please call Stephanie on 0851088564


Fun Bingo will take place Annamoe Centre on Sunday 8th May from 3pm.  Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend.  €5 per book and great raffle prizes.  Come along and enjoy


A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 20th May in Chester Beattys Ashford at 1.30.  Please contact Molly  0404 45407 or Betty Cullen 01 2818703 if you would like to be included.


The next Car Boot Sale will take place in the Roundwood Parish Hall on Sunday the 8th May from 12-5


The Roundwood Parish Hall monthly Dance will be held on Friday 20th May dancing to The Wicklow Man from 9 p.m. till late. Refreshments served


Roundwood AFC are hosting a children’s disco in the Parish Hall on Friday 6th May from 7.30-9.30pm for ages 5 – 12 years.  Admission €5.00.  Tuck shop available on the night.  All children welcome


The Wicklow Man will play in Moneystown Community Centre on Friday 13th May from 9.30pm till 12.  Teas served, refreshments also available, door prizes  Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing, jive etc. There will be no dance in June. We will be back dancing on 8 July.


A date has been set for our Strictly Come Dancing fundraiser.  This event will take place in the GAA Complex on Saturday 22nd October.  The proceeds from this event will go towards the development of our new track and  building.  We will be launching the event towards the end of May and unveiling our dancers


Nancy O Brien and Brid Clancy took 1st place for North/South on Monday 25th April Judy Skates and Joan Shortt were2nd, Phil Power and Margaret Bolger were 3rd and 4th place went to Gertie Fee and Seamus Kennedy.   1st for East/West were Monica Brady and Bridie Nolan, 2nd Marian Davis and Teresa Leahy 3rd Margaret Byrne and Miriam Coyle and 4th Marie Kavanagh and Anne Kennedy. Members please note end of season prize giving will be on Monday 9th May


Jim McNamara  and Seamus Kennedy played their cards right on Friday 29th April to take 1st place for North/South, 2nd Noeleen Redmond and Maria Magee, 3rd Monica Brady and June Digby and 4th Miriam Coyle and Judy Skates.  Joint 1st/2nd for East/West were Ger Lenihan, Paddy O Brien and Catherine McGillycuddy and Nancy O Brien, 3rd Kay Plunkett and Mary Murphy and 4th Teresa Leahy and Marian Davis.  End of year prize giving wil be on Friday 13th May.


Spring is in full swing and the birds are singing to establish their territories and attract a mate. Don’t stay in bed! Join the staff of the Wicklow Mountains National Park to listen to the wonderful Dawn Chorus and learn how to identify birds by their songs. Takes place on the 8th of May at 5 a.m. starting from the Visitor Centre, Glendalough. Adults & children welcome. No dogs please. This event is free of charge. No booking required. For further information please phone 0404 45425


The next meeting of the Roundwood & District Community Council will take place on Monday 9th of May at 8:30pm in Roundwood Parish Hall & Centre. All welcome


Would you like to get involved in the organisation of the Roundwood Festival this August bank holiday weekend? The next meeting of the organising committee takes place in Kavanagh’s Vartry House on Monday 16th of May at 8:30pm. All welcome



The first concert of the 2016 Music in Calary series will be in Calary Church at 8 pm on Thursday May 5 when the Esposito Quartet, made up of Mia Cooper and Joanna Quigley (violins), William Butt (cello) and Joachim Roewer (viola), will perform Haydn’s String Quartet opus 76 number 1, Michele Esposito’s String Quarter opus 60 and Schubert’s ”Death and the Maiden”. Tickets, which are €18 and €15 for concessions can be booked by ringing John at (01) 2818146 or by email


The  Roundwood Hall  is always available for all social events, meetings, children’s parties, christenings, workshops, training courses etc. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


There was no jackpot winner in last weeks draw.  The numbers drawn were 3, 10, 16 & 26.  There were nine match three winners, Kevin Healy, Tiernan, Tom Clarkson, Louise Dixon, Y Roche, A Byrne, B Mulkern, C Healy & Mia Byrne .  Next weeks jackpot will be €19,400.


Home Instead Senior Care –  Are actively looking for carers to care for people in their own homes in the Roundwood and surrounding areas.  Hours are Flexible, Part-Time, Evening and Weekend Work, Training & Experience preferred but not necessary. If you are seeking employment have a passion for people and would like to care for the elderly in your community.  Please give Home Instead a call at 01 2768122


The results of the whist are as follows:- Top Score: Maura McHugh; Top Gent: Tiney Shortt; Second Gent: Tom McHugh; Top Lady: Mary Cullen’ Second Lady: Patricia Byrne; First Half: Kay Plunkett; Second Half: Kitty Kennedy; Lowest Score: Mary Pierce & Longest Sitting: Monica Brady.  Raffle prizes were won by: Nan Pierce, Mary Pierce, Mary Cullen, Maura McHugh & Patricia Byrne.  Next whist will be Wednesday 11th May in The Parish Centre.


Set Dancing continues every Thursday night in Kavanagh’s Lounge from 9pm til 11pm with music this month by the O’Kane family.  Come along and join us for a night of good fun, great exercise and a very social night out.  Newcomers always welcome and great way to meet some locals.  Cost for night of dancing and entertainment is still only €5.


A grant for the provision of a personal alarm is available to eligible applicants through the Senior Alert Scheme. The scheme aims to encourage community support for vulnerable older people in our communities. It provides grant assistance towards the purchase and installation of monitored personal alarms to enable older persons continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind. The scheme is operated through Pobal via community organisations. The Roundwood and District Community Council is registered to administer this scheme in the area. The personal alarm offers reassurance to allow independent living, safe in the knowledge that you can quickly be in contact with a family member or a neighbour in the event of an emergency. If you would like more information please contact Monica on 086 8055040, Betty on 01 2818703 or email


October 5th 2016 for a week. Cost €645.00 per person sharing. Discount of €100.00 off price if paid in full by December 11th.  Price includes Flights ( Aer Lingus) Insurance , Half Board  Accomadation in House beside Church, Transfers to and from Medjugorje.  For more information / booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067


Roundwood Home Producers Market re-opened on Sunday 20th March.  Our opening times will be 12noon to 5pm.  Please come for your home baking, jams, vegetables, crafts, plants, and much more.  New members are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you there