Roundwood Notes ~ 1st February


Congratulations to all those involved in Roundwood Variety Groups production of The Pied Piper.  Well done to all, great show.


A meeting for those interested in travelling to Spezet, Roundwood’s twinned town in Brittany, in August to celebrate the 30 anniversary of the initiative will take place at 7:30pm on Monday 8th of February in Roundwood Parish Hall. All welcome


The Roundwood & District Community Council will meet at 8pm on Monday the 8th of February in Roundwood Parish Hall  & Centre. All welcome


Fun Bingo will take place on in the Parish Hall on Sunday 7th February from 3pm.  Family members and friends are more than welcome to attend.  €5 per book and great raffle prizes.  Come along and enjoy


A reminder that the Active Retirement Lunch club will take place on Friday 19th February in Byrne and Woods, Roundwood at 1.30.


Wicklow Active Retirement has invited the Roundwood group to their Sunday Valentine Tea Party on February 14th at 3 o’clock in St. Patricks GAA Hall.  Please give names to Betty or Molly if interested.


A part-time caretaker (five hours per week) is required for St. Laurence OToole, National School, Roundwood, Bray, Co. Wicklow.  Please apply in writing on or before Friday 5th February, 2016 and references are required.


Next whist will be on Wednesday 3rd February in The Parish Centre.


The Roundwood Parish Hall  monthly Dance will be held on Friday February 19th  dancing to John Flood  from 9 p.m. till late. Teas served, refreshments also available, Raffle prizes. Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing jive.


The  Roundwood Hall  is always available for all social events, meetings, childrens parties, christenings, workshops, training courses etc. These great facilities are now available. For more information contact us on 087-9627527 , 087-3932730 or


A Fund Raiser Bridge morning will take place in Roundwood Community hall on Friday 5th February in aid of Roundwood National  Schools  6th Class  trip to Delphi. Cost £10 to include raffle, tea coffee and treats. No Partner required play starts at 9.45am


Paddy Halligan is hosting a Progressive 45 Card Game in The Roundwood Parish Hall on Sunday 7th February starting at 7.30pm sharp to raise funds for The Dublin Wicklow Mountain Rescue, everyone welcome.  Excellent Prize Money.  Tea/Coffee Sandwiches & Cakes served at the interval


St. Laurence O’Toole National School, Roundwood is currently in the process of finalising enrolments for September 2016.  Should you wish to enrol you child, please telephone the school at 01 2818399 before the end of January.


Moneystown Dance The Wicklow Man will play in Moneystown Community Centre on Friday 12th  February from 9.30pm until 12 midnight   Teas served, refreshments also available, door prizes. Come along and enjoy a night of waltzing, jive etc


We will launch the building of our new dressing rooms and gym on Saturday Feb 13th 8pm in Aras an Tochar. All are welcome to come along and see our exciting  building  plans which are just about to kick off. Bar will open afterwards so stay and enjoy the night. Fáilte romhaibh go léir


Aikido is a non-competitive Japanese Martial Art for Flexibility, Coordination, Relaxation and Self-Defence.  Masatomi Ikeda Shihan’s approach to teaching is now in: Bray in O’Rahilly Hall (Beverly Studios), Church Terrace (off Main Street) on Wednesdays 7pm-9.15 (adults/youths from 14yrs – beginners), & 8.15-9.30 (adults/youths from 14yrs- general class)  Also in Moneystown National School on Mondays, 7:30-8:45 (adults/youths – general class) Saturdays, 11:30-12:30 (children) ,12.30-13.45 (Adults) & Roundwood National School Thursdays, 7:30-8:45 (adults/youths – general class, beginners welcome)   The cost for adults:  €8. Unwaged, students, children:  €5 / class. Multi/monthly tickets also available.  For further information contact Head instructor Joe McHugh 4th Dan Aikido Aikikai, at 086-1019668


Well done to our athletes who participated in the first round of the juvenile league in Arklow on Friday 28th. Roundwood had a small group out this evening, with great running performances from Siofra Brady, Anna Ryle, Oisin Donelon, Eoibhin Higgins,Natalia Heatly Hannah Fox, Blaithin Donelon, Ben Daly, Ella Davis, Kaya Glavin, Chantelle Heatly, Jack Daly, Charlotte peltz Oulfade, well done to all  Roundwood & District A.C. training is back in swing for the 2016  Training on Friday evening at the complex from 6 years upwards from 6pm to 7pm  Training on a Sunday morning at the Dam (Green Gates) for all children and adults from 10am to 10.45am  Training on a Tuesday evening at the complex for all adults with AnnMarah from 6.30pm to 7.30pm  Training on a Wednesday evening at the complex from 8 years upwards from 6pm to 7pm  Training on a Thursday evening for all adults with Terry Kavanagh 7pm at The Coach House.  Registration fees are now due for 2016.  Please note only registered athletes are affiliated to Roundwood & District AC. All athletes must be registered to train. Registration forms can be got from Sheila in the Complex on a Friday evening. Fees are currently over due so please bring to training if you have not done so already.  Recently the club purchased land from the Parish.  The club are in the process of handing over a piece of this land to Wicklow County Council for a playground in our community which is badly needed in our village. The remainder of the land will de developed as a training ground for the club in the near future .  To fund this development the club will be running a couple of fundraising events. One of these events will hopefully be ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.  More details to follow shortly


The new walk at the Upper Vartry Reservoir is a big hit with locals and visitors alike.  Unfortunately, some mindless vandals recently decided to wreak havoc by cutting the wire and netting that protects walkers from stray paintball bullets from the adjacent Special Op’s.  This action causes a danger to the users of the trail and is an affront to the support of the landowner who allowed access and to the funders of the work, Wicklow Co Council and Co Wicklow Partnership. The incident is being investigated by the local Gardai so if you have any information on who may have done this please call Roundwood Garda Station on 01 2818142


Bethany Special Mass for the Sick –  If you, your family, a relative or friend or neighbour are suffering from an illness, finding it difficult to cope with bereavement,  or are troubled in mind or body, we invite you to join us at our Special Mass on Thursday February 11th at 7pm in Roundwood Church (World Day of the Sick).  At this Mass we will have special prayers for the sick, and for those wishing to avail of it, there will be anointing with oils.


There was no jackpot winner in last weeks draw.  The numbers drawn were 6, 9, 10 & 12.  There was nine match three winners, Tony Power, Michael Coughlan, F. Kavanagh, Sean Fagan, Mark Murke, Pauline Heatley, A O’Sullivan, Anne & Vicky, & Anne Burgess.  Next weeks jackpot will be €19,400.


CoderDojo is a free, volunteer-led, community based programming club for young people. At a Dojo, young people learn how to code, develop websites, apps, programs, games and explore technology in an informal and creative environment. Within the CoderDojo Movement there is a focus on community, peer learning, youth mentoring and self-led learning. It is our intention to bring this CoderDojo environment to Roundwood in Feb/Mar of 2016. To facilitate this, more mentors are required. The more diverse the capabilities of the mentors, such as programming, HTML/CSS, Robotics, etc… the greater the range of experience and skills we can share. While it is preferable for attendees to bring their own laptops, to ensure access for all, additional laptops may be required. If you have any old, unused laptops that you no longer require please consider donating them to support this great initiative. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer mentor or donating an old laptop please email For further information please feel free to visit


Our Mass of Remembrance will take place on Saturday 27th February at 6.30pm.  This mass is for parishioners and family members of parishioners whose funerals have taken place outside the parish since February of last year.


Only one point separated the  top three on Friday 29th January, June Digby and Monica Brady took 1st place with Ger Lenihan and Paddy O Brien 2nd and Mary Pierce and Gaye McGettigan 3rd, 4th place went to Kay Plunkett and Miriam Coyle.  1st for East/West were Jane Cronin and Gertie Fee, 2nd Nancy O Brien and Catherine McGillycuddy, 3rd Rowena Brady and Maria Magee and 4th/5th were Seamus Kennedy, Jim Mcnamara , Maura Gaskin and Bridie Nolan. Reminder Fund Raiser on Friday 5th February at 9.30pm  no partner required.


Monica Brady and Gertie Fee played their cards right on Monday 25th January, 2nd Brid Clancy and Phil Power 3rd Marie Kavanagh and Gaye McGettigan and Nancy O Brien and Catherine Halligan were 4th.   East West victors were Paddy O Brien and Ger Lenihan, Joan Shortt and Judy Skates were 2nd Catherine McGillycuddy and Bridie Nolan were 3rd and 4th Teresa Leahy and Marian Davis


Bowls every Tueday night at 8pm.  Handball every Monday for Adults at 8 o’clock. Handball every Wednesday night for juniors – go to Facebook for more info.  Womens/Men Shed starts back since Wednesday the 27th January at 10.30. It Includes bowls, cards and much more. You are all welcome and bring more ideas to this social morning.  The Historical Group are in the process of  getting a memorial to Robert Barton and Erskine Childers.  If anyone would like to donate to this project it would be appreciated. They will get some funding towards this project but not enough to fund it all. There is dancersize on Mondays and Thursdays if you need to lose a few pounds come along at 7 o’clock.


Roundwood and District Historical Society  has prepared its 1916 Commemoration Centenary Programme, part of which will include a Seminar on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th February in Roundwood Parish Hall & Centre, at which 5 prominent historians and writers will give lectures on different aspects of the events of the 1916 Rising. Those speaking will be Professor Kevin Whelan, Dr Mary McAuliffe, Professor Eunan O’Halpin and Padraig Yeates. This will be followed by a History Ireland Hedge School which will also include Robert Ballagh. A limited number of tickets have been issued for this event and before these go on general sale, they are now available to local people. Tickets cost €20.00 for the full event and are available from Derek Neilson (01) 2818118, Colm Galligan (01) 2818136, Monica Farrell and


Jenny’s Pre-School – enrolments are now being taken for 2016/2017. Limited places are available due to the second ECCE year. Places are secured when application forms have been returned. Children can avail of the free ECCE year from 3 years of age. For more details please contact Jenny on 0868766301 or email


Set dancing in Kavanagh’s lounge every Thursday night with music this month by Michael and Brian. Love if you could join us on the dance floor for a night of fun and lively banter


October 5th 2016 for a week. Cost €645.00 per person sharing. Discount of €100.00 off price if paid in full by December 11th.  Price includes Flights ( Aer Lingus) Insurance , Half Board  Accomadation in House beside Church, Transfers to and from Medjugorje.  For more information / booking contact Mary King on 087 2185067

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